Trading in the direction of a strong trend reduces risk and increases profit potential. The average directional index (ADX) is used to determine when price is trending strongly. ADX calculations are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a given period of time.
Period used is 14. If you wish to customise the period, kindly check out the Easy Alerts+ app.
Easy Alerts+
Many traders will use ADX readings above 25 to suggest that the trend's strength is strong enough for trend trading strategies. Conversely, when ADX is below 25, many will avoid trend trading strategies.
Easy ADX provides a comprehensive dashboard that allows you to view ADX value of multiple instruments across 6 timeframes (M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1) at one glance. In this way, you do not miss out any trading opportunities even on the go.
Period used is 14.
Key Features
☆ Timely display of ADX for multiple currency pairs across 6 timeframes (M5 timeframe is only available for subscribers),
☆ Timely display of ADX value for popular commodities, indices and cryptocurrencies (Only for subscribers),
☆ View only instrument of your interest via the watch list,
☆ Display headline news of your favourite instruments,
☆ Economic Calendar of upcoming events
Easy Indicators relies on your support to fund its development and server costs. If you like our apps and wish to support us, kindly consider subscribing to Easy ADX Premium. This subscription removes all advertisements within the app, allows you to view all timeframes (including M5), access of signals to popular commodities, indices and cryptocurrencies.
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Forex trading on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. You must be aware of the risks of investing in forex and be willing to accept them in order to trade in these markets. Trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.
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